March 2020.

Fast forward to eight days from today.

You wake up with a cough, tiredness and fever, all with your toddler sleeping next to you. You know what it is, you get the confirmation from the doctor.

For the last eight days, you did everything told. You didn’t go out unless absolutely necessary. You washed your hands with soap many times, and made all your family members do the same. You engaged your toddler at home refusing even 10 minutes of cycling time. But you did something your gut told you shouldn’t but you did it anyways cause your soon-to-be five year old wanted it and asked you without knowing (but you knew better)

You had a small birthday party. Not 20 or 30 people but just 4-5 friends.

But did they do everything you have been doing? Did they stay home when needed and go out only if necessary? Do you know who they have been meeting for the last 8-10days?

Today – 23rd March, 2020

I don’t want to wake up after eight days and feel that I didn’t do everything that I possibly could have, even though I knew better. This is not a regret I can live with.

Sorry Aryav, we shall cut your birthday cake at home, with just us and we shall have a crazy pool party for an entire weekend once this all settles with everyone you want ❤️



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